
Kwobidak Maawit Lullabies in Noongar Language

Education Officer Charmaine Councillor from the Noongar Boodjar Language Centre partnered with CANWA and SWAMS celebrated their CD launch on the 20th of November 2018 at the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery.

It was a time for all community to came and share and hear the beautiful Noongar Language songs that were created by the local Noongar community.


Charmaine Councillor

Denise Smith-Ali, Gloria Dann and Des Dann

Melba Wallam and others getting ready for a performance.


  1. hi Charmaine.
    I am hoping to get a hard copy of this cd to use in our early childhood setting. thankyou

  2. Kaya,
    My name is Isabel Brown and I work at Coolabaroo neighbourhood centre it’s a daycare center in Thornlie. We are currently creating a Nyoongar language book and would like to use some of your resources. We would love to utilize some of your lullaby songs if possible.
    Thank you
    Isabel Brown

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