
Linguist out and about

Denise Smith-Ali and Bethia Blonde were invited to attend a Dictionary Making Workshop in Kalgoorlie.

This was an opportunity for our team members to work with other Linguists from various parts of Australia and around the World. The workshop was delivered to linguists from around the Australia about world-class dictionary-making technology. This was about world-class standard software used for dictionary-making elsewhere in the world. The Corpus Management system we learnt about, called Sketch Engine, means that we will have all the e-documents we have put together in one place, allowing for easier searches of a word or language feature.

During the Lexicom Workshop we copied the historical documents pre-dating 1900s from Toolbox into the corpus in Sketch Engine. Now our job is to scan and enter all of the remaining data pre-dating 1900s into Sketch Engine. We then need to extract example sentences from Sketch Engine to use as example sentences in Toolbox.

Pictured to the right are the team being hosted by the Goldfields community out on country









From left to right pictured is Bethia and Denise tasting a delicacy of  the local cuisine the ‘Honey ant’.

Pictured above is Michael (Sketch engine founder) and Margaret his wife  who decided to come to theNoongar Boodjar Language Centre for a visit along with Charmaine Councillor and Denise Smith-Ali.